PE Years 7 to 9

  • KS3 Physical Education offers pupils 2 hours of Physical Activity that is split evenly into PE and Games activities.
  • Each pupil will complete an hour of single sex games a week and an hour of mixed physical education.
  • Games lessons are mostly located outside while PE lessons usually use the schools indoor facilities.

Throughout KS3 pupils will be assessed in the following games activities:

  • Football
  • Rugby (Tag, Transitional and Full Contact)
  • Netball
  • Hockey
  • Rounders
  • Cricket
  • Tennis

Throughout KS3 pupils will be assessed in the following Physical Education activities:

  • Swimming 
  • Dance
  • Handball
  • Volleyball
  • Basketball
  • Badminton
  • Athletics
  • Gymnastics

Subject Aims

We want pupils to enjoy their PE in a safe and stimulating environment. Although we will always encourage our pupils to take part in extracurricular sport we also acknowledge that sport should be for all. We hope that after 5 years in school that each and every pupil will find at least one activity that they would like to carry on into adult life.

Extra-Curricular Activities

We run an extensive extra-curricular programme. Pupils are invited to attend lunchtime clubs every day of the week while after school time is reserved for school fixtures both in and out of county. Pupils will be transported to away fixtures by bus and will be notified of fixtures with a letter or teamsheet. Fixtures for the following week will also be published in ‘The Link’ the schools emailed publication.

Pupils should make the effort to eat food at break time or bring a packed lunch when taking part in lunchtime clubs as the club can often make them late for school dinners.

Pupils that take part in extra curricular school fixtures may miss curriculum time throughout the year. Every effort should be made to speak to the class teacher about the work that is missed. Contracts and Extracurricular logs can be found in the pupil planner.


  • 4 Badminton court sports hall
  • 3 Badminton court gymnasium (also used for examinations)
  • 5 Tennis courts
  • 20m Swimming pool
  • Fitness Suite
  • Dance Studio
  • 4 Netball courts
  • All Weather Cricket Strip
  • 1 Full sized Rugby pitch
  • 1 Full sized Football pitch
  • 1 Football/Rugby hybrid junio pitch
  • Playing grids

How to support your child

We are sure that you already do many of these things to support your child but here is a useful reminder for you to refer to:

  • Ensure your child has the correct PE kit and brings it to lessons
  • Check the PE programme in pupil planners to check the activities for the half term
  • Encourage pupils to attend lunchtime sports clubs. A timetable will be available from form tutors
  • Ensure pupils fill in the extracurricular log. Ensure pupils are encouraged to catch up with work missed when taking part in school fixtures.