

At Church Stretton school we aim to provide enrichment opportunities outside of the curriculum for all of our students. We are fully aware of our rural location and the importance of our students visiting locations outside of Shropshire and gaining knowledge of the "wider world". We hold an "enrichment week" every July where the normal timetable is suspended, and an alternative curriculum is put in place. During this week there are residential trips within the UK and Europe and day trips to local attractions. 

There are also curriculum trips throughout the year that allow our students to experience a variety of different locations throughout the country including coastal and city visits as well as opportunities to witness live theatre and sporting events.  

We also offer the opportunity for students to take part in the Duke of Edinburgh awards, starting with the Bronze award in year 9 and the Silver award during Key stage 4.

In addition to the above, we also offer extra-curricular clubs that run during lunchtime and after school. These include sports, drama, music to name but a few. We even have clubs such as dungeon & dragons, chess and sign language, with the hope that there really is something for everyone. Where there is an interest shown in a club, we aim to get the activity running. 

There are sporting opportunities for students to compete against local school and enter County, Regional and National competitions in a variety of sports. 

As a school we encourage every department to offer enrichment activities and the link to our current extra-curricular offer can be found below.