Pupil Premium

What is Pupil Premium?

The Pupil Premium is additional funding which is allocated to schools based on the number of pupils who receive free school meals (FSM) or have received them at any time in the previous six years.  It is also allocated if students are in local authority care, adopted from care or have one or more parents who are serving/have served in the armed forces. The pupil premium aims to raise the achievements of students from disadvantaged backgrounds so that it more closely matches other students.

Church Stretton School currently has 101 Pupil Premium Students.

Current Cohort at Church Stretton School as of December 2023

Year Group          Total Number of Students   Non-Pupil Premium   Pupil Premium

7                             120                                         96                                 24

8                             101                                         85                                 16

9                             107                                         89                                 18

10                           103                                         80                                 23

11                           115                                         95                                20


Pupil premium strategy statement


If you want to find out more about our work with disadvantaged pupils please contact:

Dr Andy Wood, Head of School