Overall Purpose of the Subject - Summary:

PSCHE Curriculum summary

PSCHE education at Church Stretton school ensures that pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes that they need to keep themselves healthy and safe in preparation for life in an ever-changing modern Britain. 

Evidence shows that "well-delivered PSCHE programmes have an impact on both academic and non-academic outcomes for pupils, particularly the most vulnerable and disadvantaged" (The PSHE association). 

At Church Stretton school our intent is to help prepare students to take their next steps in the wider world. This is enabled through a wide-ranging Personal, Social, Citizenship and Health Education (PSCHE) curriculum. The content is centred around students building respect, tolerance and understanding of themselves and others. Key information is passed to the students which enables them to develop healthy and nurturing relationships, whilst empowering them to identify unhealthy relationships. All statutory PSCHE content (including RSHE) is covered through a spiral curriculum where topics are revisited as students understanding develops.

Students are encouraged to reflect on and understand their own values and beliefs whilst also exploring the possibility of others. Real life case studies are used which actively encourages discussion and debates. Classroom rules are established by the class and facilitated by the teacher at the beginning of the year, ensuring that any discussions are managed in a sensitive and appropriate manner. 

The PSCHE curriculum also explores the Fundamental British Values, allowing students an opportunity to celebrate the modern, diverse community in which we live . The importance of mutual respect and the tolerance of others is reinforced as being central to living in a harmonious society . Students are required to understand the value of democracy and how extremist views may challenge it, and the need for the rule of the law, to ensure everyone's safety. Students will be encouraged to use and develop their critical thinking skills whilst gaining information about what the law says around key areas such as marriage, substance misuse, consent, pornography, FGM and online behaviours. Protected characteristics and the equality act are also incorporated into lessons.

Throughout the curriculum there is regular reference to mental health and wellbeing. Years 7 & 9 complete a unit of work on mental health and wellbeing that is delivered via Shrewsbury town in the community foundation. Students are also signposted to where they can find additional support either in or out of school through organisations and charities. This is also discussed through assemblies, tutor-time takeaways, the school nurse and social prescribing workers. 

The PSCHE curriculum is enhanced by other subjects for example in Design (food) where students study healthy and balanced diets. In Science students will investigate many areas such as puberty, vaccinations, and cancers. In PE understanding the importance of an active lifestyle. This allows PSCHE lessons to centre around the spiritual, moral, social, and cultural aspects of learning. Where possible outside speakers will be utilised to help inspire students and to help them understand the content being delivered. 

The PSCHE curriculum also includes careers education, the careers co-ordinator provides regular lessons each half term ensuring that the information provided is up-to-date and gives our pupils the best information and opportunities available to progress into further-education, training and employment. This also includes opportunities to meet with and visit local post-16 providers. 

The lessons are deliberately planned to use the correct terminology and students are expected to mirror that in both lessons and around school. Students will have a tracker sheet in their book which they will complete at the end of each lesson and allow them to rate their understanding of the topic which they have covered. 

Course Outline and Structure - Key Stage 3

At Key Stage 3, PSCHE  is studied in one lesson per week. The course follows the statutory guidance for PSCHE . There are two key areas of learning in PSCHE : economic well-being (careers, finance and enterprise) and personal well-being (health and relationships, including SRE - Sex and Relationships Education). These key areas cover the three core themes of Health and Wellbeing, Living in the Wider World and Relationships, Sex and Health.

The aim of the course is to provide a 'spiral programme' that introduces new and more challenging learning, while building on what has gone before, which reflects and meets the personal developmental needs of the students. Opportunities are provided to make real decisions about their lives, to take part in activities which simulate adult choices and where they can demonstrate their ability to take responsibility for their decisions. Lessons provide a safe and supportive learning environment where students can develop the confidence to ask questions, challenge the information they are offered, draw on their own experience, express their views and opinions and put what they have learned into practice in their own lives.

Course Outline and Structure - Key Stage 4                        

At Key Stage 4, PSCHE is delivered in a variety of ways in addition to lessons. This includes themed activity days, such Faith, Philosophy and Ethics, work experience and presentations from local Post 16 providers. Topics that relate to economic and personal well-being form an important part of lesson time with broad cross curricular links.

The PSCHE  programme links to other whole school approaches such as pastoral support, and provides a setting where the responsible choice becomes the easy choice.

Useful Resources